Wednesday, November 3, 2010

As promised, here it is!

Jason's album cover for "On The Run"

We chatted exclusively to 2009 Idols winner, Jason Hartman to catch up on the latest career developments and his debut album On The Run.

GL: Apart from what we read in magazines, who is Jason Hartman?
JH: I am just a human being! Nothing special. I will say I have had an interesting life so far! I grew up in the Natal Midlands and spent my days playing sport, fishing, camping, burning fire breaks, playing music. I have been a beekeeper, a forester, a recruitment
consultant, a gardener and a hippi! But mostly a musician. Oh and a Reiki practitioner!

GL: It’s obvious that music has always been a HUGE part of your life. Where do you want to take your career in 10 years from now?
JH: All over the world. I am only beginning to understand what music really means to me and who I really am. I think the two are linked somehow. Therefore, as I learn who I am, so will my music become what it will be. Hopefully I will grow as a man and so will my music. With a little luck, it will take me all over the world!

GL: Idols gave you the platform to build on this amazing profession, how does it feel looking back at the last year?
JH: It was an amazing life experience for me, both good and bad! I learnt a lot about myself especially my boundaries. I learnt how important family and friends really are and what is important in life. I also learnt how capable we are if we just put our minds to it. I pushed myself to extreme limits doing performances, the Movie, recording and attending functions, all over the country, so travel became part of my days and nights!

GL: According to reviews of your album, On The Run some of your fans commented “Out of this world” and “Jason is the only person that, in my opinion, entered this industry with a BIG BANG and continues to do so” Tell us something about your album that we don't know?
JH: It took 7 weeks to complete from start to finish. I don’t know how we did it! Most of the songs are original and most were written in the studio. I have a recorder on my phone which we record small ideas with my guitar and voice. It proved invaluable to us and most of the songs were just 20 second clips and the songs were born from there! I really love the recording process and can`t wait for the next album!

GL: … Lastly, do ever “Google” yourself?
JH: I did in the beginning just to see how many hits I had but that wears off very quickly! I am not interested to hear what people think about me out there! I actually wrote On The Run with that in mind!”You think you know me cause you`ve seen me on TV but I think I`m free to be what I wanna be, we seriously are deceived by what we see and what we read. Aint that the way they say it ought to be!” Chow, chow!

To all our readers along the Garden Route, catch Jason live at the Plettenberg Bay Barnyard Theatre on December, 23rd. To book please visit the Barnyard website

For more information on the man himself, latest news and upcoming shows, visit Jason’s official website on Catch his album, On The Run in a music store near you today!


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