Monday, November 1, 2010

Pictures from Vegas

Well, sadly we are back from our mini vacation from Vegas. We had a blast though. Friday we left really early, sang all the way to great tunes, and then enjoyed the day walking around, having some great food, and shopping. Then on Saturday, we did the same in the day, but at night we went to Cirque Du Soleil play Mystere... It was amazing! On Sunday, we went to Fremont street, and toured "Old Las Vegas"...It was such a good time, we loved the vacation! Here are some pictures; we really didn't take that many, since we were mostly trying to enjoy each other time and soak up the vacation.

Our spontaneous trip was very fun. I am glad I dropped the planner and just went... Now to push play on life and reenter the panic freak out mode...

Happy Tuesday!


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