Monday, November 1, 2010

OWM… Time travelling after all possible?

A clip from Charlie Chaplin’s 1928 movie, The Circus was posted on YouTube over the weekend and caused uproars of speculation and head scratching. In the short clip it shows a woman walking with what appears like a cellphone chatting away for everyone to see.  It is rumoured that the woman is a time traveller that placed herself in the recording in the hope of someone spotting her for the benefit of future technology. Just take note that the movie was shot 50 years before cellphones were invented… remarkable.

Chatting away "Oooh meisie, het jy gehoor ek's nou famous..."

Other theories include a Siemens hearing aid designed in 1924 (well, then she must be mad – as she’s clearly enjoying the chat on what seems to be a cellphone) or the other assumption is she’s holding an icepack to her cheek due to toothache (wtf, get off the movie set and go the dentist?)

For what it’s worth, we just hope she upgraded to a Blackberry ‘cause some of these cellphones can just bore the living daylight out of you!

Get you some Mr. Stephen Hawkings...

To watch the clip, please follow this link

Video source [ YouTube ]


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