Nelly can't stop smiling. Check this out!...The barn raiser is inching up, steady as she goes. We're now only 963 bucks away from meeting Pedal Berkey's 10K matching gift challenge! Once we hit that mark, the bar will hopscotch right up the chart - on our way to halfway home. Huzzah!
A big shout out to our friends in Los Angeles, Found Animals Foundation for their most generous gift towards this match. We met Found Animal's staff at the HSUS Expo in Vegas this year and learned about the innovative advocacy work they're doing in a very challenged part of CA. Many thanks to FAF pit bull ambassador Rufus for inspiring their work as well as the love match given in Petal Berkey's honor.
Below. Nelly and cuddle buddy Leroy try to remind us that friendships last longer than bad news on the telly.

More Nelly Pix - Courtesy of foster mom Sara Scott.
Nelly is doing fine, by the way. We've been in a holding pattern with her, and have been trying to let her tell us how she feels. She's perpetually happy, but hearing her gasp for air reminds us how much work it is for her to breathe. For now, she seems to be telling us that her first-ever summer in sunny CA is worth the extra work of not having a nose. Dog bless ya, Nelly.
Our Heroes.
These are the names behind the wood and timber of the barn-to-be. Thank you kind people! Patricia Marquez, Thomas and Carol Zientara, Timothy and Lynn Boyle, Sarah Deluna, Loretta Abeyta, Scott Cunningham, Melea Cassell, Karin Campbell, Inga Sheffield, Will Stearman, Ping Ping Dai, Karen Delise, Karen Keaton, Jim Lemperis, Mary Doll, Marisa Piovarcsik, James Ogg, Gail Moon, J. Pav Designs, Terri Blouin, W P Hawthorne Jr and Sons Inc., Deirdre Doyle, LeeAnne Miller, Stephen Kahn, Michelle Harrington, Gilbert Brown, Elizabeth Dranow, Judy Holte, Sharon Jue, Katherine Pitts, Laura Bennett, Lissa Stiles, Todd Antonuk and Rufus and his friends at Found Animals Foundation.
It's almost certain that I've accidentally dropped a barn raiser's name from these lists. If your name hasn't shown up or if I've fumbled and misspelled into something unrecognizable, please let me know so I can fix. I'll sleep better - Thanks!