Friday, August 21, 2009

A new clip of Bello! has surfaced!!

The hilarity!! XD
This should totally be a drama! SO FUNNY! Go go Buono!!

I'll translate this for you guys =D


(Bello! singing away♪)

Airi: Maybe we don't need to act spys anymore..
Momo: Oka~y.
Miya: Hey, this song!
Airi: It's Cafe Buono!
Momo: Why!? .... let's just go in and check, shall we?
Airi & Miya: *nods*

(Bello! still singing♪)

Yurina: Um, excuse me! Would you be able to get the volume up at this part?
Ume-san: Oh, me too please!
Maimi: Oh, I'm okay thanks.

(Buono! comes in the room)

Maimi: Huh? Excuse me. Our live is from 7 o'clock. Can you please wait outside for a little longer?

(Buono! trying to pick whose gonna tell them off haha)

Miya: Um... The song that you were just singing.....
Yurina: Aaah. It's our debut song which will be released in December, 'CafeBello'. Isn't it such a great song? Yoroshiku ne ☆
Buono!: CafeBello!?!?

Airi: That means... your group name would be....?
Ume-san: Us? We are 'Bello'. Do you have any problem with that?
Maimi: Yup. In Italian, it means "beauty & splendid". It's such a perfect name for us three. Don't you think?
Buono!: .....

Mono: Wait a second! Don't you guys know who we are!?
Yurina: Sorry. We don't.
Buono!: O_O

Ume-san: Oh, I know! I thought I knew you from somewhere.... aren't you 'CutieGirls'?? That So-not-funny-Idol.
Miya: No! We are not! But this girl is..
Maimi: Yea you're right. Aren't you guys, 'Buono!'?? Those ones that are on Pizza-la's commercial?
Buono!: *nods*

Maimi: Hey, what's up? We're having our live soon, so we are so busy.
Momo: Hey, what's up? (*imitates Maimi*) What's wrong with you!? We saw you in our homepage, but you guys are just a bunch of copy-cats of us!! Moreover, you are singing the same song of ours!!
Maimi: "The same song"?? Aren't yours "CafeBuono!"?  Ours is "CafeBello!". I don't wanna mention this, but, your record company, Pony Canyon's Yoppie brought this song to us and told us to sing!

Buono!: Whaaat!? Yoppie-san did!?
Yurina: Yea, that's right. Didn't you know?
Miya: Yoppie san betrayed us....
Ume-san: Even our group name. Yoppie said he wants an Italian name. Isn't that right,  you guys?
Yurina: Yea, that's right. Maybe it's our turn to have the pizza's commercial next.
Bello!: hahahahahaha

Momo: I won't let that happen! YOU GUYS, IT SEEMS LIKE WE NEED TO HAVE A BATTLE!
Yurina: What? What battle?
Momo: We'll do 5 different kinds of games, and whoever wins 3 times, then they win. Whoever loses...... has to retire! Well!?

Ume-san: We are fine with that, but we already know whose gonna win.
Momo: =P We won't lose, right you guys!?
Miya & Airi: ........ I'm not so confident about this...

Momo: Hey, you guys, if we have our team work, we'll definitely win! 
Miya: But, we are already loosing by our height difference..
Momo: That's nothing. I have so many plans!
Airi: Momo's plans!? Oh no....
Momo: We'll do fine! Have faith in your Leader!! 
Miya & Airi: .........

B.A & B.B


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