Sunday, September 20, 2009
We hope everyone is enjoying the daily arrivals of the My Dog is Family calendar photo contest as much as we are. Some have suggested that we find an additional way to get the contest entries in front of public eyes. Thanks guys - Great idea. We're spinning some thoughts around and will see what we can come up with. Hopefully we can find a fun way to show off a bigger number of these heartwarming pix, outside of our 2010 calendar.
If you've submitted an entry, don't forget to promote it around the Net using the handy-dandy share feature located just beneath the Log In button of your photo page. You can launch your favorite entries anywhere you're hooked up (facebook, twitter, etc) via this tool. ---->
Some recent entries that have us smiling:
Eloise of New York is owned by Bara Sapir. Bara says that, "Eloise closes my laptop computer if she thinks I've worked too much." Smart doggy. I sure could use a helper like that.

Ollie and his beautiful friend know exactly what family means. Submitted by Rana Pawlowski (Paw-lowski, really? love it) of Tullahoma, TN.
Visit, Vote, Enjoy. BR Photo Contest