Monday, September 21, 2009

So. . .let's see. . .what's interesting and exciting in Laura's life lately?

Not much.

Sorry, I'm sure you were hoping for something much more profound - I am sorry to disappoint!

I'm being completely honest, however. . .there hasn't been much of interest to occur lately. However, since you did stop by my blog in hopes of an update, and since I want to encourage people to keep reading my blog, I will share with you the uneventful and boring. You've been warned. :)

I keep busy between the hours of 8-5 with work, at least Monday through Friday. We're getting ready to exhibit at a tradeshow (I get to go - just to walk around and experience the whole thing) so we've been putting together brochures, and getting all the paperwork taken care of. I ordered a bunch of pens, bottle openers and these super-cool post-it books (called pocket flag buddies) and we're going to hand some of those things out. I'm also finishing up the company newsletter. It is going to be a quarterly publication.

On Sunday nights I've been going to a new college group. Well, it's not new new, but it's new to me. It meets at a church on the far side of Post Falls, but it's really not that bad of a drive. I've been several times and I'm enjoying it so far, and it's nice to meet some new people. You can visit the website for the group, here: Retro.

On Wednesday nights I am still getting together with two of my best friends for Girl's Group. We are getting ready to start a new Bible study guide, but we have to wait a few weeks to start it, just because some of us are not going to be able to meet this week and next.

Other than that, my nights are usually consumed by reading, or playing with the dogs, or listening to music on my iPod, and, of course, checking in on Facebook. :)

Fall is definitely here in North Idaho. Right now I'm *freezing* but that is only because it has been so warm and is now chilly. It was 37-degrees this morning! But never to worry, as they say, if you don't like the weather in North Idaho, wait 5 minutes - it will change. And change it will, because tomorrow is supposed to be 83 and Wednesday is supposed to be 90. Summer is hanging on by a thread. Although I have to say I love when the leaves fall down, and you can make ginger cookies and drink apple cider without being *completely* off-your-rocker. :) I also love jumping in leaf piles. . .what can I say?!

Anyway, yeah. . .that's a little peek into what I've been up to and what's going on in my world. . . :)

Till later,



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