Yaaayyy! A new section!!

Today, while avoiding homework and or procrastinating (as usual), I decided to start collecting Hello!Project images! But not just any images... The ones that come in sets!! You know, like when they're all doing something together, later (or before... i don't know) they'll take individual shots, but all with the same backgrounds and lighting etc.
ANYWAY! I thought I'd start this new 'Banana Image Collection Corner' and share all the pictures I've gathered! YAY!
So, for the first ever Image Collection, the theme is... *drum roll*
Hello!Project DVD Magazine vol.19 ~Champuru Talk!~
Tanpopo# : タンポポ#

Pucchimoni V : プッチモニV

Shin Minimoni : ミニモニ。

High-King : ハイ・キング

Aa! : あぁ!

ZYX-α : ZYX-α

(I was wondering, when this group was announced, why they'd put 8 people in it when originally there was only 6... And now I know! D: Ume-san and Koharu!!)
Zoku v-u-den : 続・美勇伝

These pictures were the ones that inspired me to make this section. The backgrounds are so colourful, and all their outfits are just as colourful! Each sub-unit has matching outfits too! They're really nice pictures!
There's also these pair pictures from each segment of the DVD magazine, although I'm still missing some =\
I'll be sure to put them here if I do find them though!
Takahashi Ai (高橋愛) & Miyamoto Karin (宮本佳林)

Sugaya Risako (菅谷梨沙子) & Hagiwara Mai (萩原舞)

Niigaki Risa (新垣里沙) & Fukuda Kanon (福田花音)

(ZOMG! Niigaki's hand is SOOO boney!! DX Eat something!!)
Junjun (ジュンジュン) & Tokunaga Chinami (徳永千奈美)

Kumai Yurina (熊井友理奈) & Takeuchi Akari (竹内朱莉)

Suudou Maasa (須藤茉麻) & Umeda Erika (梅田えりか)

Tanaka Reina (田中れいな) & Nakajima Saki (中島早貴)

Linlin (リンリン) & Okai Chisato (岡井千聖)

Shimizu Saki (清水佐紀) & Saho Akari (佐保明梨)
Kusumi Koharu (久住小春) & Wada Ayaka (和田彩花)

Mitsui Aika (光井愛佳) & Natsuyaki Miyabi (夏焼雅)
Yajima Maimi (矢島舞美) & Ogawa Saki (小川紗季)

Kamei Eri (亀井絵里) & Mano Erina (真野恵里菜)

Michishige Sayumi (道重さゆみ) & Tsugunaga Momoko (嗣永桃子)

Suzuki Airi (鈴木愛理) & Maeda Yuuka (前田憂佳)

I hope you like this new section and continue following us at Hello!Banana :D