Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Disclaimer: this post is devoted completely to the emotion of love. it may result in a nauseous feeling from the over intensity or may cause you to fall hopelessly in love, to which either of them I am not responsable for.

In my lecture class, the teacher posed the question of "what is love?" (baby don't hurt meeeee) There were a few students who raised their hand and answered: "an emotion", "loving someone when you don't want too" and a few more that ranged from a good definition to a lustful definition. I felt a rush that told me to raise my hand. It's a big deal for me, I just don't do speaking in front of 300 or more students. Don't get me wrong, I ask questions in class and I speak the answer, when I know for certainty it is right, but did I know for certain my definition was right? were my peers going to laugh at the answer I gave, or call me that hopeless romantic girl? but something made my hand fly up. my professor shouted "you in the black sweater"... I inhaled deeply and I replied:

"I don't think there is a clear definition of love. It's completely different for everyone. I love my boyfriend in a different way than you may love your significant other, but it doesn't exactly mean its more or less. love is ineffable."

love is just that. ineffable. there is not certainty in love. no rule that you will not get hurt. love is a risk: there is no safety net. far too often in a relationship (or life for that matter) we look to see whats wrong, before we look to see whats right.

I know I am in love, regardless of the definition because when my heart is playing music and a train passes by, after the train has passed, i'm still in sync like there was never a missed beat. +

What is love to you??

I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday!



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