Wednesday, February 10, 2010

"You must love yourself before you love another. By accepting yourself and fully being what you are, your simple presence can make others happy." - unknown

it took me a while. sometimes, i'm not so sure i do. i have those good days. where i do something so selfless, so important for someone else that I can not help but smile and be proud. other times that i feel horrible for things i do and have done. but at the end of the day, i realize and accept, that i am who i am. the Lord made me this way for a reason. he loves me. i should love myself.

"To be loved, be lovable."
- Unknown

i can't always do good, but i can always TRY.
i can't always be great, but i can always TRY.
i can't always make someone's day, but i sure will always TRY.
i can't always stray from sin, but i can always TRY.
i don't always love myself, but i sure can TRY!

"Love yourself, for if you don't, how can you expect anybody else to love you?"
- Susan Lipsett and Liz Nelson

Valentines isn't just about having that certain someone. its about appreciating the love that is around us. its about realizing that you ARE lovable.

i have two valentines this year.

one is boyfriend. +

the other is myself.

(i may or may not buy myself a gift. hee hee)

Have a wonderful Thusday!

p.s. I cut myself bangs again. I KNOW. I KNOW. wtf was I thinking?! I swear I'm like a 5 year old with scissors!



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