Monday, November 8, 2010

In a perfect world we could eat, drink and be merry without the occasional belly creeping up from behind… but we all know what happened to good friend Bridget Jones.

Celebrities and their perfect bodies are the envy of many and it’s an ongoing antagonism between mind and body until the end of days. Diets and the obsession for perfection can drive us wacky, even so to the point of depression and in extreme cases some turn to eating disorders which destroys thousands of hopes and dreams because of a fantasy that doesn’t exist.

Everything in "La-la land" is not as perfect as it seems.

We tend to forget that, yes, celebrities do come across as perfect with the fame, fortune and personal stylists – however, some things such as bodily exercise are not included in the starter pack of life. I do agree that some are fortunate with excellent DNA, but like most of them we need to stay active to keep the clock ticking. About three years ago I was sick with flu and decided there and then to quit smoking. It went incredibly well and before I knew it three weeks passed without me touching a cigarette - life was grand. I always considered myself the lucky one as weight gain was never an issue, until now…

Now you need to understand three things… when you’re a smoker it suppresses hunger, period. You can go without food throughout the day, as long as you’ve got a cigi in the one hand and a cup of coffee in the other (why do you think all the models smoke??) Secondly, when you quit smoking it’s like your taste buds are awakened from the dead and food becomes part of your existence. Lastly, out of boredom comes binging – you could eat fish bait and it will be the best thing you’ve ever tasted and one portion will never be enough.

Heidi Montag, perfect example of what happens when the "Hollywood Pressure"
get's too much...

To make a long story short, I gained 15 kilograms/ 33 pounds in less than 6 months, my clothes were too small and I was mortified. What are the people saying behind my back? From being the proud owner of a twenty-something body, to feeling stuffed, ashamed and most of all isolated. I immediately took charge of the setback which ultimately leads a person to the outcome of self-acceptance, self-love and most of all, shifting your way of thinking and finding a “happy place”

So remember my friends, the next time when you’re just about ready to dig into Mom’s turkey curry buffet just like dearest Bridget…go ahead and enjoy - however in moderation. Keep it healthy, fun and clean. As I always say, life is short and don’t take it too serious, however once in a while we need to take responsibility and care for the person staring back at us in the mirror. It might not be a gorgeous supermodel, but it’s you and rest assured that perfection doesn’t exist as we’re all masterpieces in our own right….

No so perfect after all...she's actually such a pretty girl without the retouching,
such a pity...

If anybody has anything to say about you, brush it off and start where you are today. (just like some of our celeb friends that we blog about) Sometimes it’s necessary to let loose and go through hotmess stages, gosh we’ve all been there.

I firmly believe it starts with the readiness to be happy, make it your decision today.

Things won’t change unless you don’t... the time is now.


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