Sunday, December 26, 2010
December 27 – Ordinary Joy
Our most profound joy is often experienced during ordinary moments. What was one of your most joyful ordinary moments this year? (Author: Brené Brown)
I've had a lot of ordinary joyful moments this year... The one that comes to mind right now is a moment when the boyfriend and I were sitting on the couch watching some movie and he squeeze my hands and says: "hey..." I look over to see what he wants and he simple says, "I love you"... there is something about hearing those three words from him that bring me so much joy.
December 26 – Soul Food
What did you eat this year that you will never forget? What went into your mouth & touched your soul? (Author: Elise Marie Collins)
Sadly, I have nothing to report on this prompt. I didn't experience a food that I usually don't eat.... However I did have some good Turkey!
December 25 – Photo
Sift through all the photos of you from the past year. Choose one that best captures you; either who you are, or who you strive to be. Find the shot of you that is worth a thousand words. Share the image, who shot it, where, and [...]
This was one my pictures taken by Blue Moon Photography for a 2010 Model Search. The reason I think I love this picture is because when I look at it, I see so much. I see aspirations, dreams. I see love and beauty. I see a girl who traveled a long hard road but came out on top, finding who she is and where she belongs.

December 24 Prompt Everything’s OK
What was the best moment that could serve as proof that everything is going to be alright? And how will you incorporate that discovery into the year ahead?
I worry constantly, about the future, getting a job, having children, etc, and I think that one of the best moments was just the feeling I get when I pray asking the Lord to help guide me... It's always so reassuring.
December 23 – New Name
Let’s meet again, for the first time. If you could introduce yourself to strangers by another name for just one day, what would it be and why?
I have no idea why, but for as long as I could remember, I have loved the name Savannah. I just think its adorable and sounds old fashion. If I am lucky enough to have a little girl one day, it's likely her name would be Savannah.
December 22 – Travel
How did you travel in 2010? How and/or where would you like to travel next year?
Sadly, this is an area that needs much work. Being that I am in school and working part time in order to attend, it often puts a block on the travel options. However, we have took some small trips. For our Anniversary we went to Sedona, AZ. Which is one of the prettiest places I have ever been. We also went to Vegas (twice actually) and I had previously never been there... However in 2011, I am hoping to travel to somewhere exciting!
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