Thursday, April 16, 2009

Well, the regular season has come to an end so it is time for Angry Trey to give out his awards…I don’t get a vote on this, but if I did, this is how it would turn out.

Coach of the Year: George Karl

His Nuggets team managed to pull out the second seed in a tough Western Conference after barely making the playoffs last season. With a reenergized Chauncey Billups along side of Mello, Denver could be dangerous in the playoffs.

I couldn’t go with Mike Brown because I feel a handful of other coaches could have done what he did with that team.

1. George Karl

2. Stan Van Gundy

3. Rick Adelman

Rookie of the Year: Derek Rose

Does this one even need an explanation? He is a rookie point guard who took his team to the playoffs. Enough said…I really like O.J. Mayo and expect him to have a good season next year.

1. Derek Rose

2. O.J. Mayo

3. Russell Westbrook

Sixth Man of the Year: Jason “The Jet” Terry

Here is another no brainer. He has been the hands down favorite for this award since the season started. He averages 19 points off the bench and is the heart of the Mavs.

1. Jason Terry

2. J.R. Smith

3. Lamar Odom

Defensive Player of the Year: Dwight Howard

I really don’t have too strong of feelings about this. I guess Dwight gets it by default. I was going to give it to D. Wade but changed my mind at the last second even though he is 16th in blocks and 2nd in steals. Dwight does lead the league in rebounds and blocks so you have to give him props for that.

1. Dwight Howard

2. Dwyane Wade

3. Ron Artest

Now, here is where it gets serious. Most Improved Player and MVP awards, I have strong feelings about these.

Most Improved Player: Danny Granger

This guy had a great year! He improved from 19 points a game last season to 25 this season. Plus, he finished #5 in scoring.

That is not what I am heated about though. What does make me mad are the people who voted for Devin Harris!!! I don’t understand how he gets anyone’s vote. Granger had a better season, his team was better, plus Nene came back from a testicular tumor!!! Sure Devin improved, but he is now on a weaker team, in a weaker division, in a weaker conference. Let’s get real people.

1. Danny Granger

2. Nene

Most Valuable Player: Dwyane Wade

If you would have asked me this a couple of months ago I would have said Lebron James hands down. My dude Earl Sneed has convinced me to change my mind though. When you think about the MVP, it is more than being the best player on the team with the best record. The key words here are “most valuable,” and that is why I had to give it to D. Wade.

I think about it like this… you take Lebron off of the Cavs and they would still make the playoffs in the East, but if you took Wade off the Heat, they would be nowhere near the playoffs. Now don’t get me wrong, Lebron means the world to his team, but I feel D. Wade is needed by his team more.

This same mind set goes into why Dirk Nowitzki should be in the top 5 for MVP voting. If you take Dirk off of this Mavs team, they win 35 games TOPS!! This would be a lottery team every season without the Big German.

That is just my thoughts on the award. I know most everyone else feels differently.

1. Dwyane Wade

2. Lebron James

3. Kobe Bryant

4. Chauncey Billups

5. Dirk Nowtizki

6. Dwight Howard


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