Thursday, April 23, 2009

Mavs with the normal 10 AM shoot around this morning. JET doesn’t want to speak about his sixth man award until it is official but we have all of his comments on Game 3 plus hear what Coach Carlisle had to say below. As always, for the full practice report go to

Coach Carlisle

Jason Terry

You want to know how big game 3 is tonight? Well here are some nuggets from the Voice of the Mavs Chuck Cooperstein’s facebook status…

How big is tonight? Every time the Mavs have had a playoff series tied 1-1 this decade, whoever has won Game 3 has gone on to win the series. Thanks Keeney and Stats Inc for that nugget

And if you must know, Lifetime San Antonio has been in this spot 23 times, and 22 times when they have won G3, they have gone on to win the series. Bottom Line: It's big tonight

I expect the Mavs to come out fired up and take care of business. Mavs by 7. Also, Dirk is due for a HUGE game, watch out Spurs.


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