Tuesday, April 21, 2009

This is our dog Honky Tonk after he interviewed a reporter from the ESPN Show, E-60. Honks wasn't too sure about the topic of Vick dogs ("But MOM! When are they gonna do a show about cute little deaf dogs like ME?") but he ended up giving the show's producer a two paws up seal of approval after she let him sit on her lap.

Tonight is the first airing of ESPN's look at the current status of Vick dogs, filmed a few weeks back. We always get nervous about these shows. What angle will they take? Will they drag in too much dog fight footage and confuse the message? Did I say anything completely stupid? But this little preview made us feel better:

E-60 Vick Dog Show Preview

The show airs tonight at 7pm, and Tim will be online on the E-60 chat tomorrow to answer any questions the public might have about the dogs. Keep your fingers crossed for a decent show and good response from viewers.


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