Sunday, April 19, 2009

Well, game 1 is in the books and the Mavs now have a 79% chance to win this series. Hopefully, they will do it in six games so I can brag about how right I was. This post isn’t about my greatness though. I have to give props to 2 different people.

First, thanks to Coach Carlisle for making in game adjustments. He started off with Antoine Wright guarding Tony Parker but he wasn’t that effective and got in early foul trouble. Part of the adjustment was the foul trouble, but he brought in Barea and it sparked the team. Not only did he let Barea stay in the game for the remainder of the first half, he started J.J. in the second half. Barea along with Bass were the keys for this team and I give credit to Carlisle for recognizing it.

Coach Carlisle has also been great all season at coming out of timeouts and getting scores. It seems every time they come out of break he has a play drawn up to get someone a good look. I know this stuff is all part of his job, but there have been coaches for this team in the past who failed to make proper adjustments in big games.

Second, I just want to apologize to J.J. Barea for hating on him all season. I thought he was getting too much playing time, and the Mavs could never win big games with him. Well, I was completely wrong. J.J. has been dynamite (yeah that was a corny joke) and I hope he continues to have success.

Here are a few off topic notes before I spend my afternoon watching basketball.

- I can’t believe 3 of the 4 road teams won yesterday

- The future of the NBA is Derrick Rose and Kevin Durant, end of story.

- It is awesome that the Yankees got blown out in their new stadium yesterday

- Paul Pierce is an average player without K.G.

- Is Ray Allen a playoff choker?


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