Monday, August 3, 2009

1. Favorite thing to collect:
These are the things, if i see, I HAVE no choice, I have to buy them....

Vintage Mirrors: they are just so....dreamy.

2. Painting my nails:
I change my nail color almost everyday. It's a habit, I love BRIGHT colors too!

3. Favorite movies of all time:
These are the movies I could NEVER get tired of...(there are many more though)

Pearl Harbor
I love this movie. It's the romance I want $$$

Work& the Glory 1-3
They're just plain perfect!

Talk about a wonderful movie!

4. Favorite smells....Yumm!

Orange Blossoms


Clean Sheets

5. Romance:
i'm a head over heels in love with the boy kind of girl... I love chivalry. I love being swept off my feet. I love flowers, just because. I love little notes for nothing. $$$

the end... off to paint my nails! :)


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