Monday, August 17, 2009

I've never really liked Mano Erina... I don't think her voice is good and her songs are blugh, I get that she's pretty, but come on! Why does she get so much promotion for just having a pretty face? (Or a vegetable face according to B.B)
I know what you're all thinking... 'Ugh, it's just another Mano-hater!' But you know, I'd really like to like her, but I just can't when she's a singer, yet she can't sing! Yeah, yeah... You can say the same for some of the other Hello!Project girls, but Mano Erina is a soloist - A soloist that can't sing! And her little gimmicky piano skills aren't even that good.

Previews of her new covers came out today, and I just don't get it -__-

They all look the same! And not just these ones... They look the same as all her other singles too!
Why when it comes to this girl do they promote her so much, when she has the lamest songs and the most boring looking CDs? And why does she get so many covers? Not even Berryz or ºC-ute get this many covers. Only Morning Musume... but Morning Musume is like the biggest girl band in J-pop history.

Otome no Inori
(Regular Edition)

(Limited A, B, C, Single V)

Hajimete no Keiken
(Regular Edition)

(Limited A, B, C, Single V)

Sekai wa Summer Party
(Regular Edition)

(Limited A, B, C, Single V)

The covers of her first major single were the only ones where she wore different clothes and had different backgrounds. It's like they completely ran out of ideas after her first single, and just decided to slap on four different angles of the same image of her on the four cd covers. Maybe change the background a little, alter the type a little bit and then hope that people don't notice and buy them all... It's so silly!

I wouldn't have this problem if whoever is 'manufacturing' her maybe they just tried a little harder, give her some better songs came up with some new ideas...

I probably sound really stupid and mean, and it'll probably just be dismissed as 'jealousy.' But I just don't think it's fair on some of the other Hello!Project girls.
I'm sorry I don't like this girl... I just can't do it!



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