Sunday, August 9, 2009

If you're familiar with our blog, you may remember our writing of the lovely Petal, the pit bull from Animal Farm Foundation who saw fit to burrow herself into a lifetime of hearts. By doing so, she helped change the direction of this nation’s feelings and understanding about our beloved breed. Petal passed last December, but she's still working her magic...

...Through AFF, she found a way to shine her sparkle on our Barn Raising Project in the form of a matching gift donation. Petal was never one to do things small, and now she's challenging everyone to meet her match of ten smackers. Yep - that's right - $10,000! Woof!

We're thrilled beyond words to have this great opportunity to raise this amount for the barn. Thank you Petal!

If you knew Petal or if you've been inspired by her work, please consider sharing news of this challenge with people in your circles. Once we've raised 10K, Petal's gift will arrive. Exciting! One step at a time, we'll get this barn built so we can be a better help to the dogs that need us.

Disaster Relief, Part II

Another batch of victims caught up in the Missouri-based dog fighting bust is ready to be released to rescue. Tim met up with Ken Foster of Sula Foundation in a hundred degree heat last week to begin the work of evaluating the cruelty victims in one small midwestern shelter.

Details coming soon! We can't discuss yet, but for now we want everyone to know that a large number of dogs are presenting as strong candidates for adoption programs -- No surprise, right? Our phones and mail boxes are cookin' as we hammer out arrangements with rescue partners in different parts of the country. This is certainly an all-hands-on-deck kind of effort, and we're very grateful to the orgs that are working so hard to make room for one or more dogs. It's not an easy thing to do when our own local shelters are already crowded with needy pit bulls.

Tim's new friend in the photo is just one of many that are depending on us - I mean, all of us - for their chance to shine. If you have room NOW, please let us know so we can include you in the current rescue efforts already underway. In a few weeks, the Humane Society Missouri is expected to announce when the 400+ dogs in their care will be ready for release. Lots of work to be done!- HSMO

Questions? Let us know - We'll do our best.

Home Fires Burning - Oakland's Tulip

This little lady helped remind us why we need to keep one eye on the dogs at home while we burn the other side of the candlestick for the out-of-state cruelty victims. Tulip came into the Oakland Animal Services with an unusual swelling in her thigh. Vets looked for a foxtail during surgery, but weren't able to find one. She went into foster care last week for observation and is doing well, despite her mystery ailment. We're grateful to Catherine, Brett, Carol, Larry and Linda, who all rallied to make sure this darling wasn't lost.

"There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like home."


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