Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The front cover of Tsugunaga Momoko's 4th photobook has been released.

Not sure If i like this cover... I mean, the composition is REALLY nice. I like it more than Yurina's badly typeset title, mock-magazine front cover. But i think Momoko looks kind of possessed, her eyes are kind of scary! Her sharp looking-into-your-soul eyes don't really match with the soft feeling of the feather and glowing white background...
I think I prefer her two previous covers, but that's just me.
I guess I'll have to wait until the full photobook comes out to make judgement...

The release date is the 21st of August

For reference sake, these are the covers of Momoko's previous 3 photobooks:

(momo, momo16 -ももいろ-, 桃の実) respectively

*EDIT: I've uploaded some scans from Momoko's photobook HERE



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