Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Here are the translations to the Buono!'s latest magazine interview (Kindai) =D
Enjoy X) (Click on the image to enlarge)

Miya: Our new song is a song that makes you feel the refreshing summer. It makes you feel relaxed by just listening to it, so listen to this on a very hot day, and hope it helps you get relaxed.
Airi: It's not our usual "head banging and makes you really sweaty song", but it would be nice to let people know that there is these kinds of ROCK songs too.
Miya: But in the lyrics, there's this line, "even if you make a mistake, it's kinda okay♪". I think it shows our character as Buono! where we think so positively.
Momo: This song really makes you happy, so I hope it makes everyone think "It doesn't help to just worry about things. I'll do my best tomorrow!" by listening to this song.
Airi: As from the title, "Take it Easy", I hope everyone can just loosen their shoulders a little bit and relax.

- Well, Leader, can you give a message to the readers?
Miya & Airi: Go leader! Lol
Momo: The debut of Buono! was 31st of October, and it's almost 3 years since then. We are so grateful of our fans, and I hope we could continue showing how grateful we are. And please listen to our new song, "Take it Easy" and be happy with us Buono!!!
.... Is this okay? Lol

- We were there when you guys were taking your PVs for your new single "Take it Easy" but, what was the most memorable thing that you did?
Miya: The most memorable thing for me, was the BBQ at the beach. Usually, you don't really get the opportunity to have BBQ at the beach, you know. And I was so happy to have it with the Buono! members. There were a lot of ingredients to have on our stick too.

- What did you have on your BBQ stick?
Miya: I don't like capsicum, so I tried to avoid capsicum (lol) and instead, I had 2 of my favourite corns, meat and sausage -which I love.
Airi: I love capsicum, but I couldn't find any, so I've but paprika instead although I don't really like them lol. Meat is a must, and I had sausages.
Momo: I had the least popular ingredients like onion and pumpkin lol. And during our BBQ I had fun playing tricks on everyone. Like putting Miya's least favourite food, capsicum all around her plate, and put heaps of salt and pepper on Airi's one lol. I tried to trick Miya into falling in to the hole I made, but I failed, so that's been bugging me a bit.
Miya: That's because it was so obvious! She put a lot of seaweed around the hole lol.
Momo: And I accidentally left my shovel there lol.
Miya: So obvious lol.
Airi: Momo actually fell in the hole which our staff made lol. I was watching her fall lol. And so she wanted to trick somebody as well.
Momo: When I fell for that trap, Miya was taking her pictures, so I thought "It's got to be her!"
Airi: When Miya finished taking her photos, Momo was like "Miya~" and grabbed her hand - which she usually doesn't do lol.
Miya: She was taking me to this obviously suspicious place, so I just jumped over it lol.

- Is there any other memorable moments?
Airi: We had our photos taken in the bus, and they've told us that we could just talk about anything since, it won't be taped. And so we talked about random stuff. But it was so much fun.
Momo: For me, all that going up the stairs were memorable. I had muscle pains the very next day.
Miya: Yea, you're right those stairs!
Momo: While we were climbing, I thought "these two are so young".

- They are only 1 or 2 years older than you.
Miya & Airi: She was so slow! lol
Momo: Yea well, my but couldn't keep up. lol Oh, and the sunset at the beach was memorable too.

- PV will be released at 2nd of September, so do look forward to it. Anyway their new song "Take it Easy" is a very relaxing song which is not so Buono! but so Buono! in a way.



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