Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Today in between classes I was sitting in the MU, listening to "Bella's Lullaby". (Oh Edward: could you be anymore perfect?) I turned it up loud and put it on repeat. I looked around at the faces of those I just drowned out.

The expressions that I saw were recurring. Mad, Frustrated, Annoyed, Anxious, Scared. Then my gaze landed on one girl.

I couldn't look away.

I studied her through the window as she sat there. I tried reading her emotions, but all I saw was emptiness.

She like the others caught my stare, but instead of the warm smiles I got from the others... her gaze fell away.

I felt sad for her... I wanted to go over to her and hug her. To tell her one of my horribly lame jokes to maybe, just maybe produce a smile on her beautiful face. I wanted to ask her if there's a burden to hard for her to bare that I could ease by taking hold of the other side.

Thoughts flooded through my mind on why this girl could look so sad...

Did she recently get out of a bad relationship? Is she hurting from some friendship that went astray? DId she lose a parent, like I have? Or is she just lost in this huge lonely world, like so many of us are?

The clouds covered the sun. My music stopped... I looked over at where the girl was...I realized that I knew that girl.

That girl is me.

That girl was my reflection.

On a different note:

School went fine. Classes were not too bad, and I don't feel much like Calvin (Calvin&Hobbs- the comic I used last post) today at least not right now... No promises, it will stay like that too long.

It was rainy today... so rainy.. I love rainy days... it makes me want to write... it make me makes me feel many emotions... I got to use my new "Chanel" umbrella. I danced in the rain when leaving class... I felt alive.

Don't you just love rain? For after all, when the storm passes... There is always a Rainbow...

(via weheartit)

Disclaimer: Because I know some of you are so kindhearted and will ask $... Yes, I'm feeling a little lost, and I am a little empty... but I'm ok :)



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