Tuesday, January 19, 2010

As most TCU fans know, a great part about this previous season was all of the Frogs games were played on Saturday. In the past there had been games on Thursday and things like that, and I don’t think that is beneficial to any team. Are things changing in 2010?
There is a rumor on TCU message board that this season’s game against SMU will take place on either Thursday, September 8th or Friday, September 9th because ESPN wants to televise the game since it is in Dallas. I have a couple problems with that.
1. I don’t like TCU playing on any day but Saturday. You can say all you want about the exposure on Thursday nights, but I want no part of it. It breaks the normal rhythm of the week and I just think college football should be played on Saturday. 
2. If the TCU/Oregon State game does happen, it was supposed to take place on Saturday, September 4th. I don’t like a five day turn around to get ready for a rivalry game on the road. No, SMU aren’t world beaters, but they are slowly turning that program around and becoming decent.
Here is another problem with TCU’s schedule at this point. The first 2010 College Football TV schedule has been released and it has TCU/Baylor on September 4th, which is the scheduled date for TCU/Oregon State. But, they also have Sam Houston State and Baylor scheduled for that same day. Obviously that can’t happen.
Hopefully, TCU and Baylor can get that date switched so everything still works out. I always enjoy a Baylor defeat at the hands of the Horned Frogs.


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