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First off... thanks to everyone who asked me a question. I appreciate you playing along! Now for the answers:

Julie asked: "Jelly beans or Sour Patch Kids?
- Hard question, since I love them both. With jelly beans it matters the flavor of them... Like for instance, black licorish jelly beans should be forbidden, where as sour patch kids no matter the color, are tasty.
Leah asked: "When do you plan to have your barn theme wedding?"
- Every since I was a little girl, I wanted to get married and be a mom. My life plan was: Get married by 22 and have my first kid by 23. I am now approaching 21, and although I still want both of those, SO badly... I'm allowing myself to grow up more... I know I'll have it when the time is right $
Caitlin asked: "Do you believe in Karma?"
- However you wanna say it... karma, what goes around comes around... In the end, I believe we get what we get out what we put out.
Klaw asked 2 questions:
1) "What is the most surprising thing you've discovered about blogging?"
- Never when I decided I wanted to write publicly, did I imagine I would have so many loving and caring people... people who do not know me, caring and lending unwavering support. It's truly amazing.
2) "Will you be my friend?"
- pshhh, I thought we were already best friends :)
Meg asked: "How do you make an email thingy like yours?"
- I just found a picture of an envelop... photoshopped in the words and then when you go to add a gadget on your blog and select "HTML" and in the URL put the link to where it is... (I used photobucket, so I would get my link from photobucket and plug it in)
Jessica asked: "When do you graduate college and what are you getting your degree in?"
- Well, I'm a second semester Junior... So one more year if everything goes as planned, and I am majoring in Psychology, and minoring in creative writing.
Erin asked: "What is your favorite food in the entire world?"
- Hard question. I love food. like looooooveeeee food... got the tush to prove it. I love anything pasta...but I absolutely love Jello. It's like the coolest food... umm hello hours of entertainment, here I come... its tasty... its easy to make... whats not to love?
Cris asked 2 as well:
1) "Whats your favorite cereal?"
- Captain Crunch or Oh's. It's a tie.
2) "What does your boyfriend call you?"
- Well depending on his mood.... ha, no just kidding... he calls me many things though, ""Rasha Marie "Baby girl" "My love" are the main ones.
Britney also asked two:
1) "Is popcorn a must when you go to a movie?"
- Boyfriend actually hates popcorn, so I rarely get it, although I enjoy it!
2) "What photo editing program do you use?"
- Mostly picnik... it can change your life... trust me.
Blondie asked: "What do you do for a living?"
- I'm a student, right now. I mean I work at a lotion store, and I do like my job, but I wouldn't say I do it for a living... I work maybe 10-13 hours a week, during school.
Ams asked a few:
1) "White gold or gold gold"
- I like both.. but I do prefer white gold.
2) "Do you believe in love at first sight?"
- I believe in infatuation, which can later lead to love. Yet, no. Love is to grand and to complicated of a term to simply fall in love, by looking at another.
3) "How much do you love me?"
- More than ant eaters love eating ants! :) (ps. missed you!)
Breanna asked:
1) "Whats your favorite thing to drink?"
- If you would of asked them 3 weeks ago, I would have shouted "Cherry Coke!" I absolutely loveeee it. Yet I have given up soda, so my go to is mostly, sun tea or water. I love milkshakes though.
2) "5 most favorite things (IE: lipstick, mascara...)
- I love so many things, but for the sake of the question, I am going to leave it as material items and go with...
* Purses * Jeans * Blush * Chapstick * Mascara
Some other question that were asked, that I forgot from who, since they were in emails are:
"What is your dream job, like if you could choose ANYTHING?"
- I would be a writer. I understand that given that you could choose anything, its odd, I would simply choose that, but it's what I love.
"How did your daddy pass away and how long ago?"
- My father became an Angel, 14 years ago. I was six years old and it was in a car accident."
"Did the loss get easier with time?"
- No. The loss got bearable with time. There are MANY days, I burst out crying... it doesn't get easier... it will never be easy... some days are harder than the other, but I have had a lot of time to remind myself that he is with me in spirit.
"You mentioned siblings before.. how many? Older, younger?"
- I have 5 beautiful older sisters. I am the baby.
"Your boyfriend and you seem to have a wonderful relationship.. do you ever fight?"
- No relationship is perfect... we fight constantly... more so Im doing the fighting... since he never fights, but no... we don't have it all together.. There was a time a while back ago, that we almost called it quits.. but we worked on it. Relationships require a lot of dedication... Yet, I am falling in love with him all over again $
Thanks again everyone who asked a question. I appreciate it. I hope you all have a fabulous Wednesday... It's HUMP day!!
Also, my darling girl, Amy at thinkpinkcottage mentioned me in a spotlight... Go give me love, and check out her awesome blog tips!
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