Friday, December 3, 2010

Talk about kicking-off your weekend on a perfect note...

 SO funny and adorable, we die!

Ladies and gents, apart from Evita Bezuidenhout this is probably one of our most exciting celebrity features to date. The fabulosity of Eagan Williamson is so fierce that you will catch your entire summer tan in just one episode of his gossip show!

Better known as the co-presenter on kykNET’s Tonge Los, journalist, actor, MC and a celebrity in his own right…this young man is making his mark in the entertainment industry… and it’s not hard to understand why.

Catch our five questions to the ever-so-cute Eagan

GL: From the small town of Olifantshoek to a much loved celebrity…who is Eagan Williamson?
EW: A pretty normal (but sometimes completely outrageous) person with a great sense of humour. I am probably one of the luckiest people in the world, because I wake up every morning and absolutely adore what I'm doing. And the fact that I'm surrounded daily by wonderful friends and family also helps. I am completely addicted to romantic comedies, black forest cake and sleeping late. Other than that, I would still think that I have my feet firmly on the ground and my head in the clouds. And I am completely in love with my mom and siblings Nadia (19) and Cecil (37).

GL: We’re adoring fans of Tonge Los and never dare miss an episode – what is the most unforgettable story ever featured and why?
EW: All the stories in some way or another are like our little children - we love everyone of them the same. But if I had to choose, it'll be the story of my good friend for many years (the love-to-be-hated tabloid journalist) Yolanda Barnard, who fell into a jacuzzi during an event at a spa, but managed not to drop a single bit of red wine. Viewers probably only saw me laughing really uncontrollably. But the truth is that the editors had to cut out the piece where I was busy taking a sip of the juice on the table when Loui told the punch line - I had fruit juice sprayed all over Gavin, Loui and the camera crew. Hilarious!

GL: Any major drama with local celebs considering that you leave no stone unturned?
EW: Not really. There are not a lot of people that actually realise that we pretty much have great relationships with most of these celebs. A lot of times, they are the ones who tell us stories for the show. The only major issue I had was recently with actor and artist At Botha in a restaurant in Northcliff. He was not himself (apparently according to some of the other patrons, he was a bit intoxicated). I went out for pizza with friends, when he started shouting really loud about how crappy the show and me as a person is. All because we broke the story of his engagement before a magazine (who had rights to it) could run with it. Needless to say, my friends and I lost all the respect for him as an artist and much loved Afrikaans actor. His words were hateful, but I forgave him that same night!

GL: We’re so in love with you latest blonde hairdo – from your experience would you say blondes have more fun...?
EW: Oh most definitely! It is not the first time that I went blonde, but this time around there was actually method behind the madness. I got the hairstyle for a new acting project that I am embarking on in a few weeks. I cannot say too much right now, but it will be a blast and something that will take me completely out of the comfort zone I work in (namely television). I don't however know if it's because everyone knows me with dark hair, that I get a lot of funny stares from fans. Although many loves the do, one particular lady on Twitter was very frank: "I HATE the blonde. Hope you have enough hats to cover that on the show"! LOLLL

GL: Since this is a gossip blog, who do you think is the hottest local celebrity right now and why?
EW: Oh most definitely the comedian Trevor Noah! He is witty, charming, very attractive and sure as hell not poor after his recent Cell C campaign! I've seen ladies (and flamboyant gents) swooning over him. And then there is the young creed of artists that's making waves (Reynhard Hugo of Binnelanders, singers Willem Botha, Jay and Henri Alant, Angelique Gerber of 7de Laan, singer George Meiring). Also our veteran beauties, actresses Lizz Meiring and Brumilda van Rensburg and our own cougar Loui Fish.

Catch Eagan, Gavin and Loui tonight, 21h30 on kykNET’s Tonge Los…be warned, it’s addictive.

The three "skinderbekke" Loui Fish, Gavin Prins and Eagan Williamson - LOVE them!

Here's a toast to Eagan Williamson and his team - cling cling!

PS: Thank the Lordy for PVR - now we can watch the show, over and over and over...!


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