Wednesday, December 8, 2010

December 8 – Beautifully Different.
Think about what makes you different and what you do that lights people up. Reflect on all the things that make you different – you’ll find they’re what make you beautiful.

What a beautiful prompt. I feel that so many of us (myself included) forget to look at how beautiful we truly are. We see those around us, who are skinnier, more attractive, more fortunate and we start letting that affect us, and affect how we view ourselves and that is unfortunate. We each are as unique as a fingerprint, and we fail to realize that. I know that I have so much worth, so much potential, so much beauty and sometimes I let that knowledge escape my memory but not today.

I find myself going out of my way to help others. Strangers, friends, family. I will drop everything I am doing if someone close to me needs my help, because I believe and I know that acts of kindness make a difference. If I see someone less fortunate on the street, I will give them change, sure they may be druggies, they may be fifthly rich and this is how they make their profit so I am the one being tricked, either way, a good dead never goes unpunished. My heart reaches out to those who are suffering from things they experienced, and I want with all being to take their pain away, even if that means that I carry it... because I know that it's people like this, people like me that change the world in a small way. Too often I forget that.

I am unique.
I am passionate.
I am caring.
I am thoughtful.
I go out of my way to help others.
I am genuine.
I am forgiving.
I am accepting.
I am comforting.
I am full of laughter.
I am thankful.
I am humble (you wouldn't think so from this list, ha!)
I am human.
I make mistakes.
I cry far too often.
I have hazel eyes
I have dirty blond hair.
I have a mole on my check. Father called it an angel kiss. It makes me different I think.
I don't work out near as much as I should.
I am addicted to soda and tea.
I am a wonderful friend.
I am a daughter.
I am a sister.
I am an aunt.
I am beautiful.
I am different.
I am beautiful different.
I am me.

What makes you beautifully different?!


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