Sunday, December 5, 2010

Happy Monday bloggers. I hope the weekend treated you well. Mine was filled with working loooooongggggg shifts and the boyfriend being gone for more than 48 hours... yet, he is home and I am happy. So onto today's post,

December 6 – Make.

What was the last thing you made? What materials did you use? Is there something you want to make, but you need to clear some time for it?

The last thing I made was a blanket. I cannot tell you who it's for (because she reads this here blog sometimes) yet it took a long time and a lot of sore fingers I will tell you that much, but I know it will be worth it when she sees it!

There is something else I need to make, I have a million crafts lined up for Christmas gifts and I am hoping today on my day off from work I can get some of them done!

Now onto our Christmas tree:

Adorable isn't it? It stands a whole 2ft tall. We still go home for the Holidays and being that we do (as well as living in a tiny apartment) we don't have room for a large tree, plus we love our small one and it's just perfect for us.

Tell me, how big is your tree? Is it real or fake?


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