Sunday, December 5, 2010

December 5 – Let Go.

What (or whom) did you let go of this year? Why?

This prompt hits home. I was vicious this year and I cut some people out of my life simply because I had to. There was no choice.

Over the years (read: during freshman year of College) I became friends with the wrong kind of people. Those kind of girls who wouldn't think twice about kissing your boyfriend when your backs turned, or those guys who would get you drunk so that you would cheat on your boyfriend, and while none of those happened that's the kind of people they were and who honestly needs those kind of people in their life? Not me. So I was vicious and I ended those friendships but I didn't look back because I know that I deserve better than a friend who would do that.

There are some people from my past, I have also turned my back on. I know that sounds horrible and perhaps in a way it is, but I moved on, I have been gone from my small town for 4 years. 4 years! I moved, I learned, I grew up and I go home for visits and I am just at awe at the amount of drama that floats around. Call me selfish, but cutting them out of my life is the best thing... So that is whom and what I have disposed of... and I know that this year, will bring new, happy, loving friends and for that, I am looking forward too.


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