Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Ever notice how crazy ideas always seem a little less crazy after a couple of margaritas? We can blame a good bottle of tequila for inspiring a small group of people to start BR, way back ten years ago today, under the BART tracks in a funky part of West Oakland. It seemed like a good idea at the time. We pretended not to be unnerved by the fact that our decision to kick start a mini-movement to help pit bulls was born on April Fool's Day. It's now the official start date on our government docs.

'The Fool represents the "every person" - the essence of us all embarking on the journey of life, self-discovery and mastery. He is the innocent, the whimsical, the "inner child" mixed with the "inner sage" that lives down deep inside of us all. He faces life and his journey unafraid, trusting, the perfect example of total and utter faith that all will be well, that every experience has a deep essential meaning. He trapses along the crags of life, regardless of any hidden peril or disappointment, his eyes are turned to the heavens and he knows that he will be kept safe and whole along his travels.' - June Kaminski

And how about that little dog that always shows up by the Fool's side?

We had a pretty cool April party lined up to celebrate, but postponed it to make the bust-dog meeting in Vegas instead. So we're re-designing the grand party and will be announcing details here.

To all the fools out there that are silly enough to believe what your heart tells you is true - Happy April Fool's Day. We love being on this journey with you and look forward to many more years of dancing on the cliff's edge, on behalf of all the lovable blockheads that first lured us into this big adventure.


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