Tuesday, March 31, 2009

J-Ho a Catalyst??

I was just surfing through the internet as I do every morning and came across today’s article from Mavs beat writer Eddie Sefko concerning Josh Howard and his possible return tonight. The headline is “Howard’s return could be catalyst for Dallas Mavericks.” Now, I know what Eddie is doing here and he could be right, but what has Josh done over the past two seasons that would indicate he could be a “catalyst” for this team?

I used to be a big Josh Howard fan but since Devin Harris was traded his game has gone completely downhill. I understand that Josh brings scoring and the Mavs need that desperately, but what will he spark in this team that we haven’t seen yet? Will he all of sudden take the ball to the rim, or will his defense show up again? I highly doubt it.

The Mavs are 27-17 with him and 16-13 without him, so we know they need him back but I just don’t see him being a major factor down the stretch. He has been bothered by his ankle and wrist all season long, and we know he has to have surgery on his ankle in the offseason as it is right now. I don’t see his ankle miraculously being better after 11 games off and it will most likely continue to be a lingering injury.

For the Mavs sake I hope I am wrong.

Tune into the Mavs Insider tonight @ 6:00 to hear from Chuck Cooperstein and Marc Stein as we get you set for Mavs/T-Wolves on 103.3 FM ESPN.


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