Full moon shelter madness ... A 50lb stray is found dragging a 45lb dumbbell on a 5lb chain by her collar. Ghetto weight pull anyone? ... Peek inside the night drop box: ALL pit bulls.
They blink in the day's light when we take them out. "Show me who you are, lil darlin" ... Time to evaluate. Megan counts and recounts the roster: 22 new pit bulls to suss and only 5 kennel runs open. That crushing feeling that tells us we won't sleep well tonite ... Female, blue. Drivey Dream - A blast to play with, but dammit - she sparks hard & heavy at the cute tan/white female. Yes, she's trainable. No, we've already got a coupla sparky blues. We sign off, heartsick. ... Cute tan/white, heavy with dragging teats, just shrugs in her face. You've made the cut, sweetie. We send silent thanks to her former owner who saw fit to socialize her. ... We find a box waiting for us. Yes! Barking dogs get bully sticks (thank you Bermuda Pam!), quieting the cacophany down to a happy hum ...
Oversized red cropped boy cries YIPE! when we pinch his toes. Big baby. Sad eyes beg for reassurance. He's clumsy, but connected. We give him a spot and pretend not to notice that there are still 13 dogs vying for 3 kennels. Think about it later ... The flow is interrupted by an owner surrender. An American Bully. He's falling like Bambi on ice on legs that don't work - both knees blown. His breeder saw fit to put a huge head and heavy bulk on shaky joints. He limps to the e-room where he'll meet his end. I'm so sorry, buddy ... Down the hall, a wide eyed black dog gives a low, almost inaudible growl. Her kennel will open as soon as her stray hold is up, but still not enough room ... Two more females that may be pregant. Yes? No? ... Frustration is derailed by a smiling visitor: It's time to sign Bob the Dog's final adoption papers. Congrats Bob - you made it!
... American Bulldog impresses. "Let's get a movie. Maybe rescue will take her." ... Tim holds a pregnant blue cropped girl during euthanasia, takes a phone call about Nelly's surgery. ... Staff is locking up, it's time to hustle. Lower the guillotine in the newly opened kennel so dogs don't have to sleep in the night drop box again ... Sal poops in his kennel as we're saying goodnight. Turn lights back on. Clean. ... Frida is grateful for her quick walk. Man, does she look good. I sing the praises of Grizzly Salmon Oil ... "Let's bring Howie home tonight; get him outta here."
He's scared of the car - we'll have to pick him up ... We talk about dinner on the way out, stare at the huge moon peeking over the hills. Howie smiling in the backseat.
"F-k you, Death. You didn't get this boy." A bottle of wine tonight for sure, some tug with Sally and Simon ... Answer a few emails, collapse into solid sleep ...
Support Friends of Oakland Animal Shelter (FOAS)
FOAS is a non-profit that raises funds for the medical needs of abused and injured animals that come into Oakland Animal Services. They'll be hosting their 2009 “FUN”-Raiser for Oakland’s Animals THIS Saturday, March 14, 2009 from 7 - 10 p.m. at Uptown Center - 401 26th Street - in downtown Oakland. Join them for live music by Juke Joint, drinks & desserts, a silent auction, and other fun activities for party-goers. Special appearances by some of the animals helped by FOAS. $25 suggested donation. 18 & over. Please give'em some love!