Monday, March 30, 2009

On Sunday I booked Marc “Munch” Bishop from WKNR 850 ESPN Radio in Cleveland to come on our Mavs Insider pre-game prior to the Mavs being blown out by the Cavs. He was a great guest and told Wally an interesting story about Lebron James.

Munch has been following Lebron since James’ sophomore year in high school, and it came across that he knew him pretty. He says Lebron will go into random grocery stores around Cleveland (in as much of a disguise as he can) and tells the manager to give the groceries away for free, for about an hour or so. The manager just pulls all the receipts after a certain amount of time and Lebron pays for it all. They don’t tell the customers who is paying for it either. It is just something King James likes to do.

I thought it was a great story and it’s nice to see a superstar athlete like that try and help others out. Just thought I would pass that along seeing as this was one of the few positives that came out of the Mavs @ Cavs games.

Hope you enjoyed my awesome photoshop job.


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