Monday, March 9, 2009

Media interest in our Vick dogs has not stopped. A reporter asked me recently about placing Vick dogs in new homes -- Like, "is everyone and their brother scrambling to adopt one of these famous dogs?" I choked on my coffee. "No way, man. Most people want nothing to do with living under the media's microscope."

Imagine, as gratifying as it is to show off these wonderful dogs, you may as well paint a big red X on your forehead and on your dog, too. People recognize these dogs, and while most are more than supportive, the world is still sprinkled with haters who expect the worst, including some who would salivate over news of a bust dog who - dog forbid - commits a very dog-like act, like a loud public snarf at an offensive dog or an argument with housemate dog.

Above, a scene from Pit Ed class two weeks ago. Stay tuned for updates on this latest news magazine story.

Our bust dog adopters and foster homes have thick hides and backbones made of steel, but to be honest, plenty-o adoption candidates have been scared off by what could be a lifetime of scrutiny focused on this particular group of dogs. Who can blame them? Would you be able to deal? A recent applicant for our orphan girl, Zippy, did some soul searching and decided to withdraw his application:

After careful thought and deliberations over the weekend I have come to the conclusion that I am unable to adopt Zippy. The pressure of being her owner is just going to be too much for me to deal with at this time. I am still breaking in my new house and have plenty to deal with right now and to try and take on a dog as important as Zippy is, would not be fair for her or me. I will always support and admire the work your organization does for the breed. I am going to try and get settled in my new house and when I feel I am ready to take on the resposibilty of dog ownership I will address it at that time. I am sorry I cannot be of help to you at this time and wish you and all of your dogs and owners nothing but the best.

Thank you for your consideration,
GOOD LUCK ZIPPY ( I am rooting for you)

We don't blame Rich, btw. In fact, we were really proud of him for staying true to himself with his decision.

Grace - our latest Canine Good Citizen recipient! - is tapping her toenails along with Zippy while waiting for her strong backbone owner to appear. They will, and the wait will be worth it. If you haven't seen this new post on the Vick Dog Blog, watch how she's biding her time with Jonny while she waits. I just love this post: Friday Funnies (And no, Jonny can't keep her...altho we're sure he's asked.)


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