I've been waiting and waiting for someone to upload this TV show that was on recently... and someone actually did!!
Although it's not the whole show, it's really nice to see the graduates together on TV again =)
It's not subbed, but I might be able to help you out a bit with the translation X)
Translation: This one just shows the basic history of the Morning Musume and how they've got so popular. Towards the end, Producer Tsunku is talking about how Tsuji was such a trouble-maker, and that the staffs used to get so angry with her and always had to tell her off. (haha) And he refers her as a "4 or 5 years-old boy"
Translation: Here, Yanagihara Kanako (comedian) sugguests that she wants to dance to their songs together. But before they move on, Oota (comedian-Bakushoumondai) asks FUJIWARA (comedians) if they've been to their concerts. Fujimoto (FUJIWARA) says they went to Nakazawa Yuko's Graduation Concert. He says how his comedian partner Haranishi shouted "Yu-chan don't graduate~!" although he didn't know anything about her back then and that it was the very first concert live they've been to. (then everybody laughed) Moving on, they've danced "Renai Revolution 21" together XP (so funny!) After their dances, they kept going on about how it's really tough to dance and sing at the same time and that Morning Musume was/is amazing!
Translation: After going back through their memories, they've spotted on Tsuji again. Yaguchi says: "When I used to be the leader of Mini Moni, I couldn't see Tsuji as a human being. She was a MONSTER. She used to cry about everything, and I used to scold her everyday. I tell her to not make the same mistake every again, but she does the same thing the very next day." Oota: "For example?" Yaguchi: "For example, she doesn't listen when people are talking. Even at meetings she keeps eating snacks. So I tell her off, but then she cries. After seeing her crying every single time, I've decided not to be deceived by her tears anymore. And after training myself to think like that, even NOW, I don't feel anything when she cries. For me, it was/is a trauma X( " (haha) Then she kept going on about how she was like about to meet her parents and say "sorry for scolding so much, but it's for her own good". (lol) And that's when she knew how Nakazawa (the leader back then) felt as a leader. Oota goes: "Do you remember any of this?" Tsuji: "Yes, I do remember. I was scolded everyday. She used to scold me so much that in my mind it was just like "oh, she's angry again" (hahaha) Oota: "So her scolding didn't mean anything!" (lol) Then they kept going on and on about how she has successfully managed to get married and have baby and live her own life as an adult and as a mother. Tsuji goes: "Now that I'm a mother, I can now understand how Yaguchi used to scold me just like a "mother". When I used to be in Morning Musume, I didn't really get to see my mother that much, so Yaguchi has treated me well just like a real "mother". (Aww..)
Wow. I didn't thik it'd be this long, but I hope it helped and I hope it makes sense... XP haha Enjoy.