Monday, July 27, 2009

So, I was at Cowboys Stadium last night for the Chelsea game, and I have some thoughts about the stadium. Overall, the place is awesome, but there are a few things that stuck out to me.

- Getting into the parking lots was a nightmare. It took us forever to park and I actually had a parking pass. The Arlington police did a TERRIBLE job of directing traffic. They didn’t seem prepared and had lanes closed down that needed to be open. They weren’t very good at directing people either.

- Leaving the stadium was very easy. I got out of there in 15 minutes at the max.

- You can’t enter the stadium anywhere you want. There are entrances marked by letters (A, B, C, etc…) Whatever entrance is listed on your ticket is where you have to go in. Our parking lot was by entrance B, but they wouldn’t let us in there. We had to walk around to the other side and enter at entrance K.

- When you enter, there are lines for “pat downs.” They don’t use the metal detector wand things, they actually pat you down. There are also specific lines for men, women, and children/families. Kind of weird I thought.

- Pro Shop is too small. I wanted to pick something up but it was a madhouse.

- Seats inside the stadium are really nice. They actually have padding on them unlike the ones at the Ballpark or Texas Stadium. Each seat has a cup holder also.

- I know I have been hyping the screen for a while now, but I honestly think it might be too big. It is hard to not get caught up in watching it. I felt like I really had to focus my attention on the field to keep from looking at the screen.

I’m anxious to see how everything goes for a Cowboys game and how the Cowboy fans react.

BallHype: hype it up!


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