Some new items recently added to our blog sidebar --> Please note that the National Canine Research Council is now offering its classic book 'Pit Bull Placebo' for free. You can't beat that.
While you're looking over NCRC's new and still-being-improved website, don't miss this fascinating page that outlines some of America's history with canine issues and hype. Share it, bookmark it: NCRC
Also, a fun poster created by our friends at Animal Farm Foundation will test your skill at identifying Pit Mixes. Link to the (big fat) PDF by clicking on this image.
Think you can identify a pit mix? I used to, but not anymore. The results of DNA testing are throwing everything we thought we knew about breed identification right out the window. We will keep this graphic and link in the sidebar of the blog for easy access. I hope some are able to share this with their local shelters for some lively discussion.
BARN NEWS! Huge thanks to Lisa Lindelef for pushing the bar right over the 25K mark yesterday morning with your donation. Wow - you guys sure are making me spend a lot of time in Photoshop updating the Petey graphic. Love it.
Barn Raisers: Louisa Squires, Susanna Mason, Karel Bagwell, fairy dog mother Susie Allen, Lynda DeRosa, Joan Gates, Mark Maggi, Patty Marques and Robert Stewart. We are at the $25,500 mark -- well on our way to $26K!
Don't forget that Paco Collars has a special gift for anyone who gives $1000 or more to the barn raiser. (thank you Ana!) Every one of us needs to tighten our belts right now, so we appreciate what you can send more than you know. The early success of this fundraiser is a true testament to the tenacious spirit of pit bull advocates.

For those people who are in a position to give $500 or more, please send a photo of your dog so we can honor the beast that inspired you to be such a generous person! Giving Tree There are a number of givers I need to track down for their dog's pix. Please send yours to: *Thank you!*