Sunday, August 9, 2009

I came across with this vid when I was looking for any updates on ºC-ute.
I believe this was a Fashion Show promotion campaign for HungryAngry? I'm not too sure... but it's rather interesting to see them not only being walking models, but dressed up like goths =D
I honestly didn't see that coming, but some of them actually suits =)

Aaanyway, here is the vid I'm talking about.

It's low res and it's hard to tell who they are, but I think the line ups are:

Umeda Erika
Yajima Maimi
Suzuki Airi
Konno Asami
Hagiwara Mai
Okai Chisato
Miyoshi Erika
Ogawa Makoto
Sengoku Minami
Ishikawa Rika

I wonder why Nakky and Kanna's not there...
Nakky might have look good in them =D haha



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