Thursday, August 6, 2009

This is Ridiculous...

Unless you were sleeping under a rock lately, you probably heard about the report that David Ortiz tested positive for a performance enhancing drug back in 2003. Also, a lot of you might know that the results of that test were to be confidential and not let out to the public.

Well, this comes out yesterday.

According to a baseball source familiar with the Ortiz proceedings, the Major League Baseball Players Association has not –- and will not -– take the legal steps to procure the 2003 test results that are currently part of a federal investigation. While it remains unclear as to whether Ortiz (or his representatives) would personally take such steps, Ortiz did acknowledge that the delay has resulted, at least in part, from his inability to gather information as quickly as he would like.

How is Major League Baseball going to be so careless that they let the names/report leak out, but then the players union won’t even help Ortiz out?

If you are going to allow the names to get out, then at least go back and look at the test and inform Ortiz and the fans about which substance it was.

MLB has to do something here. Either release the full list or stop the names from getting out. It is stupid that a few players are taking the heat for the rest of the 90 or so names that haven’t been released.

BallHype: hype it up!


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