Monday, April 19, 2010

WARNING: this content is not suitable for all. Proceed with caution!

Cosmo put out a little article that had some hilarious things that looked like peni...well you know what's in them and I figure, "hey thats funny blog material right thurrrrrr" so I bring to you:

"It looks like a you know what"

Be honest. At one time or another you looked at a skyscraper, a squash or a cactus and thought; junk.

Don't lie to me, I know we all have.

I wonder if the home owners were pleased with their landscaper?

You should see it with its NOT in cold waterrrr.

Something tells me he's not in the mood

Must belong to a giant?

Partly cloudy with a change of penis?

kinda gives a new meaning to the word, WOOD, eh?

Wait, thats a guys head?

I hope you all have a FABULOUS Tuesday... try NOT to think of you know what's all day. HaHa!


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