Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Dear Little Rasha,

There are some things in your life, I want to inform you about. Things that are going to happen that will make you, you. Things that will remind you, to make the most out of every day you have.

- I hate to tell you this and it is quite possibly the hardest thing you will EVER endure in your life. On October, 13th 1995, your Daddy will be killed while in car crash. You will only be 6, and you will not understand why you're sitting in the hospital while everyone you love is in tears around you. It will never get easier to endure. Every time you hear about someone's Father or someone mentions the word Daddy, you will cry, and feel like you got punched in the stomach, but remember, you have an angel now, and he is looking down on you and smiling. +

- Right after this happens, you will meet your best friend in the entire world. He will make you laugh constantly till you pee your chonies but he will never laugh when you do. He will never make you share your toys, unless you want too. He will always let you win at games. He will cry when you cry and laugh when you laugh. You two are inseparable. On your 10th birthday he will leave you. He will come over and tell you that you're 10 now and you should no longer have an imaginary friend. It will break your heart and you will never quite recover, because imaginary or not, he was a damn good friend.

- Your Mother will start dating a man when you are around age 9. They will move in together and live together probably until they die. You will hate him and he is totally not a man worthy of your Mother, and you will get into many fights with him, and even send him to jail, but try to remember your Mother for some reason loves him, and she deserves to be happy. You have to learn to accept that, even if it seems impossible.

- Around the age of 12, your second oldest sister will jump off one of the highest bridges in California. She will land straight on her feet, impacting her heels 4 inches into her calf, where she will then be hit by a car. Your sister will be in the hospital and therapy for several years after this, and she will never mentally, physically or emotionally recover, but just be very grateful that she is alive.

- Sadly, you will experience most all of you sisters make the most horrible and insane choices, from suicide to hard core drug use. You will see things, no one should ever see. Accept them anyhow. You were put on this earth, and born as their sister to help them, and eventually all your effort pays off. In the end, things are not so bad.

- In 8th grade, you will kiss your first boyfriend ever. Dillion Knost. You probably shouldn't but he has gorgeous eyes and well there is no stopping you anyhow. He is your best friends neighbor and two years old. You will think you're in love with him, and then your Mother will move you to another town, in which you will be devastated, but he turns out to be a long time friend, dont worry.

-Unfortunately you will have your heart broken in High School. You will be such great friends and things will be perfect for a while, and then it will all come to an end. It's worth it though. He teaches you a lot of valuable things and trust me things work out for the better, so don't cry. Also, remember how the heartbreak feels, because you break a great friends heart too.

- In college, you will make some bad decisions, but a lot of those teach you valuable things so take advantage of them and learn from it. Soon enough you will be too old to use that as an excuse. Also, I know you will hate college, because its stressful and so long, but soak it up, in the end it will be so worth it.

- Remember that boy in Highschool you always wanted but he was Senior and you were a mere Sophomore? Yes, the one with the gorgeous blue eyes and impecable style, HIM. Well he turns out to be your boyfriend. Yes, all those moments spent crushing over him and lusting, he turns out to be yours, and you know what? He couldn't be more perfect and you guys are totally and hopelessly in love. +

In the end, you have a fantastic life ahead of you. I wish I could tell you that you won’t ever fail. I wish I could tell you that you won’t deal with too much hurt and heartache, but I can't. I will tell you, however, that from all this heartache and pain, you become an amazing woman, one that knows who she is, and what she will accept, and it all happend for a reason. Each one of these things shaped who you are today. If you haven't experienced it, you might not be where you are now. The good and THE bad parts. You'll still be a little confused on details, but I wouldn't worry about them so much, things fall into place, when the time is right.

So remember a few key things:

Laugh at yourself. Take too many photo's. Love every chance you get. Respect yourself, and love yourself. Work hard, but Play harder, Appreciate life and thank God everyday for yours.

and p.s. I know it sounds like a lot of bad happens, and well I wont sugar coat it... a lot does, but you have so much good too. Be thankful for those moments.

+ The Older and Wiser,


Idea brought to you via: this and this girls blog.


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