Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I may as well tell you right off the bat, that this post is going to be so sporadic and random. Kinda like the word sporadic. Remember in Clueless, when she tries using that word in a sentence? No... oh well... Maybe, I'm the only crazy one, but I was addicted to this movie.

Quote from Clueless: Yeah, I hope not sporadically!

Moving on... It's only 7:30 in the morning. Let me say that again, 7:30 in the MORNING. I don't do mornings. Why am I up? Well let me tell you, I'm not so happy about it. I went to bed around 11:30-12:00 well, my body decided at 7, it was well rested and it was time to get up.

AREYOUFRIGGINKIDDINGME? I tried to put myself back to sleep, but it just wasn't having it.... So here I am, awake, early enough to hear the damn birds chirping and posting the most random blog post ever. Lucky you guys!

Remember, yesterday, when I posted about me being a final 6 finalist? Well, I KINDA read the rules wrong...

Turns out, friends and family are suppose to be adding the facebook fan page, because the more people that add them the longer your photo session will be, aka the better chance you have. (kinda like in America's Top Model, the more frames the better chance. haha)

So please go here (click on here) and add them as a friend for me! So that in a couple weeks, when you see my photo you get to vote!

Have a great Tuesday.. I'll be back later (or tomorrow) with a better less random post about something important... hopefully.

(and yes, I THOUGHT about going for an early morning jog, and then I laughed at myself for having that thought)


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