Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Noah s Ark Found In Turkey

Evangelical explorers claim to have found pieces of Noah’s Ark on Mount Ararat.
The group believes that the wooden structure they’ve located is part of a ship.
Unequal Time reports, “… above the 12,000-foot mark on the Turkish mountain, and they have released a number of photographs depicting the interior of a wooden structure. If the structure does exist at that high altitude and can be authenticated as the result of ancient construction it almost certainly rules out the possibility that it is the remains of a primitive human settlement.”

Hong Kong-based Noah's Ark Ministries said the structure had been found on Mount Ararat at about 14-thousand-700 feet.
Wood from the structure has reportedly been carbon-dated to reveal it to be about 48-hundred years old.
The group says that would put it about the same time as the Biblical story of Noah leading animals onto a boat to save them from a devastating flood.


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