Sunday, April 25, 2010

Before we get on to Monday Manic Post It's and my exciting news, I have MORE exciting news...I reached 300 followers!!!! I just want to thank everyone who reads my blog and who has been there. I love you all more than you will know and appreciate you reading my daily muses! ++

I think this might call for ANOTHER giveaway? Don't you??? Stay tuned!

On to the BIG news! +

Blue moon photography is an awesome site, which I personally know the Photographer, who is amazing!!!

Anyhow: I was selected out of 20 plus candidates for the FINAL 6 MODEL SEARCH CONTESTANTS!!

In the next 2-3 weeks, I will be doing a photo shoot with the photographer and then the 6 contestants, (me and 5 others) will have our picture put onto the Blue Moon Facebook fan page, where you can go vote for the contestant of your choice. (Hopefully, you will vote for me, but the others are gorgeous too!!)

To access the fan page, click HERE (click on here) and become a fan. In 3 weeks you will see my photo and be able to VOTE. You can ONLY VOTE ONCE, this is very important, because if you vote more than once, ALL votes from you will be removed. So keep that in mind!!!

If you want you can become a fan of the site, right now and give my normal photo and name some loving. If not, I will keep you updated when the voting will start and you can all go vote!!!!!

I am so SUPER excited, because what we have planned for me is sort of a cowgirl scene. (so fitting RIGHT?!)

Don't worry, I'll remind you all before hand to go vote & I am going to link up the page in my blog for easy access in the next few days!

Have a great Monday everyone!!!


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