Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Not that this is breaking news, but I haven’t seen it posted anywhere yet. Former TCU quarterback Andy Dalton will be represented by Select Sports Group CEO Jeff Nalley. Jeff represented five of the top 200 draft picks in 2010 and is representing Edmund Gates as well as Dalton this season. Nalley is a native Texan, a long time resident of Houston, and brings sixteen years of negotiating and marketing experience to clients of SSG.

Select Sports Group also represents Kevin Kolb, Brent Celek, and former Horned Frog Aaron Schobel.

The only negative I could dig up is that in 1998 Nalley was suspended for almost two years by the NFL Players Association because of his dealings with Curtis Enis.

The union banned Nalley from negotiating contracts with any league teams and from recruiting players as clients during the suspension. Nalley bought Curtis Enis more than $1,000 worth of clothing.

To read more on Jeff Nalley, check out the Select Sports Group website. I believe that Jeff Nalley could also be representing Jeremy Kerley, but I am not 100% positive of that.


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