Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Horsey love and my day

Hello blogger buddies and happy Wednesday! 
Wednesday- The day that we turn on American Idol and see the singers compete
Wednesday- Hump day, the day that gives us the thought that it's almost the weekend
Wednesday= A lovely day <3
I hope all of you are having a wonderful Wednesday. A few months ago I was talking to a friend and we were making up different alcoholic beverages to go with the days of the week (I'm not an alcoholic I swear, we were just bored) and I said 
This topic has no significance to this post, I guess you can say I'm just rambling.
I guess I'm really excited to share with all of you about my day because honestly this is the first time I left house all week... I'm not sick or anything or on bed rest, I've just been extremely unproductive!
To start my day off, a friend and I went to the mall, the picture above is us in the fitting room at Macy's.

the good part;; I got to hang out with my friend that I NEVER SEE anymore
the bad part;; I needed to return a baseball jersey and hat I bought a couple weeks ago when I went stress shopping (say it in a conversation people will think you said dress)
Stress shopping- the art of shopping when being stressed or sad and just buying stuff without thinking. Stress shopping.

Well they wouldn't let me return it. I guess the sign on the register says "no refunds once purchased." How devastating.

the good part;; Exchanges are aloud, but being since theres in there I really want I decided I'll just wait until Christmas to buy the guys in my family something from there. (it's a sports store by the way)
the bad part;; I had to cut the shopping trip short to go to my uncles house
the good part;; I ended up having so much fun!

Indeed I did, but today was the first time I've got thrown off a horse. She didn't exactly throw me more so, forgot I was on her back! LOL She took off running and poor me was holding on for dear life. She just wouldn't stop so I ended up falling on my back and it was the most painful minute of my life after that. My chest is hurting a bit as we speak but it's nothing to worry about. I had fun all in all and even if getting thrown off a horse was a bad experience it was definitely a new one <3

How was your day??


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