Sunday, March 20, 2011
A few weeks ago, when a crew from PBS was making plans to come into town to film the former Vick dogs, they asked if they could see Jonny Justice working as a reading assistant dog in the Peninsula Humane Society's 'PAWS for Tales' reading to dogs program. They'd heard great things about the work he's been doing with encouraging kids to read out loud and wanted to film this for their viewers.
No problem, we said. Jonny's adopter Cris Cohen had been planning to participate in the Burlingame Public Library's annual read-a-thon, so all it would take would be getting the green light from the librarian. It seemed easy. What library wouldn't want to have their cutting edge reading program highlighted on a PBS special?
"The dog is a fun and furry reading companion who is not judgmental," said Kathy von Mayrhauser, Burlingame Library children services manager. "Children, by reading to dogs, it boosts their confidence in reading."Oops - spoke too soon. With only three days left 'til the event, Cris was told he had to stay home because of his dog's breed. The same library that promoted him in this optimistic newspaper article had a change of heart when another handler brought her trained pit bull to the library to work. At the end of the session, this handler was told she was not welcome back. Her dog's behavior had been top notch - after all, the program dogs are trained to the nines. But for unknown reasons, head librarian Pat Harding chose to enact a ban of pit bull type dogs from the library reading program.

After several weeks of failed attempts and ignored invitations to meet, it became clear that Harding's mind was made up. Feeling discouraged, Cris regretfully resigned in protest from the reading team that had once highlighted Jonny's work on everything from bookmarks to the cover of the associated shelter's annual report.
On top of being a downright ugly move, blocking Jonny and the other pit bull was technically illegal. California code prohibits cities from enacting policies that restrict dogs based on breed. Burlingame's city attorney Gus Guinan agreed, expressed his regrets and communicated the error to the head librarian.
Harding's response to this news was to can the entire Paws to Tales reading program rather than allow dogs with blocky heads and short fur to get close to the kids. No dogs of any breed type would be allowed in the library to help kids with their reading. (Below: Photo of Jonny at work thanks to the Unexpected Pit Bull Calendar.)

We watched Cris struggle with his decision to leave his team and know that walking away was hard on him because the last thing Cris is is a quitter. He told us, "I had a really tough time with this because doing therapy work is for the benefit of people. I guess it really came down to the first rule of therapy work. Protect your animal."
Protecting our dogs from breed prejudice - especially when that prejudice is illegal - takes a front seat to just about anyone who owns a pit bull. It has to, especially when children are subjected to messages of intolerance by educators. And while Cris could have chosen to stay onboard and visit the other venues where all breeds were welcomed, supporting a program that was not willing to speak out against an injustice was just too big a pill to swallow.
Parade Magazine. The Lost Dog's author Jim Gorant caught wind of the story and wrote a follow up to his original article on the former Vick dogs. The Parade Magazine Article came with a great quote from Cris:
Despite the disappointment, all's well and good in Jonny's world. He's got some promising new teaching opportunities ahead of him ... You just can't keep a good dog down.
But there's still the issue of the library that got away with breed profiling. Change.org is a project that highlights injustices around the world, and they launched a petition aimed at encouraging the Burlingame Library to consider reinstating the Reading to Dogs program. Nearly 2000 signatures poured in within 24 hours, many with impassioned comments from parents, teachers, librarians and animal welfare professionals.
Please add your name to this petition to urge the Burlingame Public Library to reinstate the reading program without unfair (illegal) breed biases. It took a gargantuen effort to save Jonny from an NFL dog fighter and a system that would have him destroyed, now it will take ongoing efforts to ensure that he and others like him are accepted by an humane, compassionate and educated society.
EDIT - One of our favorite comments from the petition ....
As a teen services librarian and advocate, I have found it imperative and crucial to let the teens decide for themselves what is in their own best interest. When important decisions come up regarding the teens services department, I address the teens, take a vote and let them speak for themselves. I think that is what is needed here. Let the children take a vote and speak for themselves. Do they want Jonny and the Paws for Tales program to continue, or not? Before I heard about wonderful Jonny, I had been following the wonderful Grant the APBT who spends his days in the childrens dept of an Iowa library. He is very well loved by the children and the community. I am sure that if Grant was barred from the library in Iowa, the children would be terribly disappointed. (Grant's Facebook Page) Why deny the children of Burlingame a simple pleasure that was to their benefit? - Jodi Mitchell
“Some may see it as a loss to the children of the community. But I don't,” says Cohen. “A library is a source of information and learning. If the person in charge is participating in discrimination, children should not be anywhere near that facility. There is too much hate in this world already, children do not need to learn it at the library.”
Despite the disappointment, all's well and good in Jonny's world. He's got some promising new teaching opportunities ahead of him ... You just can't keep a good dog down.
But there's still the issue of the library that got away with breed profiling. Change.org is a project that highlights injustices around the world, and they launched a petition aimed at encouraging the Burlingame Library to consider reinstating the Reading to Dogs program. Nearly 2000 signatures poured in within 24 hours, many with impassioned comments from parents, teachers, librarians and animal welfare professionals.
Please add your name to this petition to urge the Burlingame Public Library to reinstate the reading program without unfair (illegal) breed biases. It took a gargantuen effort to save Jonny from an NFL dog fighter and a system that would have him destroyed, now it will take ongoing efforts to ensure that he and others like him are accepted by an humane, compassionate and educated society.
Change.org Petition
EDIT - One of our favorite comments from the petition ....
As a teen services librarian and advocate, I have found it imperative and crucial to let the teens decide for themselves what is in their own best interest. When important decisions come up regarding the teens services department, I address the teens, take a vote and let them speak for themselves. I think that is what is needed here. Let the children take a vote and speak for themselves. Do they want Jonny and the Paws for Tales program to continue, or not? Before I heard about wonderful Jonny, I had been following the wonderful Grant the APBT who spends his days in the childrens dept of an Iowa library. He is very well loved by the children and the community. I am sure that if Grant was barred from the library in Iowa, the children would be terribly disappointed. (Grant's Facebook Page) Why deny the children of Burlingame a simple pleasure that was to their benefit? - Jodi Mitchell
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