Thursday, April 2, 2009
I got this off of NikeTalk.com. It is a message board I go to and I thought this was a great argument for soccer and I always try to defend the sport as much as I can so I wanted to pass it along. (Thanks to Craftsy21)
Football is by far our number 1 sport in America, which is fine…but Soccer is still lagging way behind, with many people refusing to even give it a real shot...why?
Game is too low scoring -
If high scoring is all fans want, why isn't basketball the number 1 sport? Or better yet - if you prefer football in general, why isn't Arena the bigger sport? The NFL really isn't that high scoring of a league, and has plenty of dull, boring games every week, and we call many defensive battles very exciting. So I'm not buying this low scoring argument.
Game is just boring -
A soccer match on average will last you 2 real hours of time... an NFL game will last about 3 hours.. a college game can sometimes last 4 hours. An NFL game has about 7 seconds of action, on average, with 40 seconds of rest in between each 7 second burst of action -this is about 9 minutes of combined actual action over the course of a 60 minute game. While soccer tends to be more calculated and slow developing, it is nearly a constantly moving chess match between the two sides - there are just as many plays in both sports that amount to very little in terms of entertainment, but the payoff in soccer (a goal) seems far more rewarding for your time than a field goal does in many NFL games - which is the ultimate sports buzz kill and seems to dominate games more than anything nowadays in the NFL. Maybe a touchdown can be said to be better than a goal, but I'd say it's a very close call - and the frequency of both goals and touchdowns is pretty similar.
Football is simply a superior product -
Football has not caught on anywhere else in the world like it has in the US. Soccer meanwhile, is a huge sport in nearly every country EXCEPT the United States. Is this a case of everyone else being wrong and us being right, or are we just prideful bastards who can't admit we're wrong and get behind a sport we're not the best at?
So what is the real story here?
My theory is that football is not the best sport, but rather, it's the sport which is best marketed on Americans the last 30 years. And how was this done? Through the big television companies who made the superbowl a family holiday rather than a sporting event... they managed to create a culture for their sport where one really didn't need to exist, and we all bought in.
When you actually sit down and compare the two sports, the silly arguments for one over the other just don't seem to make a lot of sense. All the reasons American sports fans have for bashing soccer don't hold much weight when you turn them around on all our current beloved sports here.
My reasoning was that Americans like to use their hands...
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