Saturday, July 11, 2009

I know this is like our first blog entry, and should say something pleasant but......

Kanna withdrew!?!?   O_o !?

I kinda knew this was coming, cuz I've somehow sensed it when they kept on releasing new songs and having all sorts of events without her and stuff, but... something doesn't seem right.

First of all, all the wotas in Japan are talking on and on about how it was all due to her scandal with this Johnny's guy and that it was a taboo for idols to have relationships with boys.

--But so what!? What's wrong with having a date? After all she is just an average 16-year-old.
Plus, it wasn't like they were kissing or anything.. they were just holding hands!

Secondly, on the official statement they've mentioned "she has decided to return back to her normal life as a normal girl".  If that was the case, why can't she "Graduate" from H!P, instead of  "Withdraw"?

--This somehow to me, it seems as if she had no choice but to leave... either because of the scandal or because she can't take the harassment from crazy wotas any longer...
((In one of their concerts, there was an incident where all the wotas were shaking hands with all the other members but just ignored her when it was her turn (it wasn't just one or two. it was like a bunch of wotas just walked passed her) - and soon made her cry.))

And last but not the least...
Who is going to shout "Massara Blue Jeans~~~!" at the beginning of that song!? It's like her line! No one else can shout like her!! (although her voice wasn't my favorite..) That song would not be the same anymore... 

Aaanyway, I've never used to care about this girl that much (don't get me wrong, I do like her), but after hearing that she has officially left, you get this "°C-ute is not the same anymore without her" feeling.. sigh.. -_-"

I really do hope her all the best in her life as a "normal" girl =P



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