Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Per Marc Stein of

The Dallas Mavericks and Toronto Raptors on Wednesday night moved to the brink of completing a complicated sign-and-trade deal involving the Memphis Grizzlies and at least one other team that will ultimately send Marion to Dallas, according to NBA front-office sources.

Sources told that the trade would also send Jerry Stackhouse to the Grizzlies and include one more team that has yet to be identified, with one source close to the process saying that a trade call with the league office has been scheduled for Thursday, indicating that all sides have agreed in principle.

The known parameters of the deal call for Marion to receive a five-year contract in the region of $40 million from the Mavericks and land Stackhouse in Memphis, where he will be bought out by the Grizzlies -- with cash furnished by Dallas -- for $2 million by Aug. 10.

The call is supposed to be made tomorrow and this looks like a done deal involving 3 teams. There will be no fourth team involved.

Im so excited to finally see Jerry Stackhouse off this team. The Mavs are becomming more athletic and I like these upgrades. The only thing that worries me is the length of Marion's contract

Eddie Sefko of the Dallas Morning News is also reporting it as a done deal.

**EDIT: 10:39 PM: This deal is getting better, more from Marc Stein...

While all of the details have yet to emerge, the principles are set. Marion will be heading to Dallas after signing a five-year, $39 million dollar deal according to sources.

Several other players including the Raptors' Kris Humphries, and the Mavericks' Jerry Stackhouse, Devean George and Antoine Wright are part of the trade according to sources. The Grizzlies will be getting Stackhouse and cash, sources said. George and Wright will end up in Toronto according to the same sources. Humphries is on his way to Dallas.

Any trade where the Mavs can dump Jerry Stackhouse and Devean George is OK in my book. Good riddance to both those guys. Nothing personal but I am tired of seeing them in a Mavs uniform. Kind of sad to see Wright go though. I liked his toughness.

Keep it up Cuban and Donnie!!

**Edit: 11:30- Still more continues to roll in. Here is the latest from Ric Bucher's Twitter page


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