Aberfoil was such a clownish punk when we first met him at Oakland Animal Services, that we even caught our ever-patient trainer Sara counting to ten on some days. He was determined to jump jump jump, so she taught him it was okay to use the springs in his legs as long as he avoided using human body parts as a launch pad. Fine! Aberfoil became highly skilled at impersonating a kangaroo and would hop hop hop in front, next to, and around people as high as possible with the biggest "Lookit ME!" grin he could muster. Good lord Aberfoil!
We used to wonder who would ever fall for the Dorkish Wonder, but Carol and Hank put that question to rest. They've been wonderful for him since he went home on a pending adoption contract and it's been a joy to see him morph into their perfect dog. The trio went full adoption this past Saturday and we couldn't be happier. There is definitely a CGC in Aber's future with this devoted family.
Sir Aberfoil! Our shelter memories of you will always make us slap our foreheads, roll our eyes and break into giggles.